The Egyptian Age is a clunky one. You can plan on the first year being all about the materials. Art is historically a difficult process, beyond practicing your craft, just getting the materials ready will give you a run for your money. You want the kids to get excited in Year Two when they get to open a bottle of paint and use an actual brush. But this is not that unit. If you are teaching a 1-3 grade don't over shoot with your materials. Keep it simple. However, 5th and 6th grades can really do the unit as written. Let them go with the materials having every expectation that they can clean it up. They will love the sciency part of this unit.
A good tip is if you are going to do the Mummification Modification (and I highly recommend that you do) do the Art Concept orally, having the students come up and challenge them to a Shape Off. I projected the image onto the white board and did it with the kids who were not chosen as the pharaohs. We completed the Art Concept while the pharaohs were getting ready in the hall. The kids all wanted a turn finding a matching shape and as soon as they couldn't another student rotated in. When we were all done I turned off the overhead and we talked about all the shapes we found. They were quite impressed with themselves.
One more thing. Don't get bogged down by the materials. There are so many variations with the paint. Take comfort in the fact that the younger kids will get the program again (in three years when it repeats) and will be better able to manage the materials then.
Smile and have a great time!