Friday, March 26, 2010

The Dark Ages or Age of Faith

The Dark Ages is one of my favorite units. I love the Let them Roam portion because when you break the sticks the kids get a very real sense of in justice. I usually like to really dramatize this portion of the lesson to allow the kids to get swept up in the idea of raiding tribes.

The Art Concept is also very fun because it's the first time we talk about color. If you don't have magazines it's really easy to use the clothing of the kids to illustrate the different color combinations.

Having said all that, brace yourself for the Art Project. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to mix and deliver your mortar. It's messy but worth it. The kids go mad when they realize what they get to do and take home. It's so over the top that they love it.

Allow plenty of time to clean up and sort the bits so other classes can use them. Have fun!


  1. I am in agreement that the art project was difficult, however, the kids really enjoyed it! Just make sure your mortar is on the thick side vs. the thin side, otherwise the rocks sink to the bottom and it doesn't turn out. This has been a fun program to put on for the kids! Thanks for all your hard work Satoko!

  2. I agree with you, Tara. Your 4th grade class was the very first one, and since then, I try to make it thicker.
    Thanks for participating this program. I think art is so important, and I hope we can continue this next year!
